Wednesday 19 August 2015


By Maritim Evans
In political world, there must be a topic of discussion from the day elections end until the time elections will be held again.
Politicians know how to play cards well even in a scenario where there is no political talk they make sure they have one.
In Kenya, this is common and opposition leaders are good in doing this. They make sure that everything that government does is criticised.  Let me substantiate this by bringing in a myriad of political talks that were obviously generated by the opposition just from no where and become the talk of the day for months. Let me reflect on political talks that have taken place for the past 15 months.
Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga went to the United States for two months in May last year, a period considered by some people as his political interlude. He came back while he was reloaded and demanded various things from the Jubilee one being dialogue to address a ‘key’ issues among them security and disbandment of Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission.

The government did not give in to opposition’s demands and that led to the political talk that took some months, referendum titled Okoa Kenya. It gained momentum when governors also launched their referendum beat dubbed Pesa Mashinani. This also went silent after sometimes.
Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga (centre) and Cord Co-principals when they launched a referendum move dubbed 'Okoa Kenya'. PHOTO/COURTESY
Also in December last year, the government announced that 500 acres of illegally acquired land in Lamu County be revoked and land be given back to the locals. That rekindled a hot debate with opposition questioning the motive behind the revocation of the said land titles.
Security has been a standby topic of discussion incase another issue fails to emerge. What has been capturing opposition’s attention is the manner in which the government is failing to tell possible terror threat through its intelligent.
Land grabbing is another big political issue that has been discussed for quite a while now with opposition accusing Deputy President William Ruto for being a ‘key player in land grabbing’ in the country.
The recent sugar deal between Kenya and Uganda has not just been a political talk, but an opportunity seized by the opposition leader Raila Odinga to attack the DP William Ruto.

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