(NOTE: This article is not connected in any way with my behaviour. Just enjoy reading it.)
By Maritim Kipngetich
Just follow these simple moves, and you will surely be in a great position to seduce her and make her be in bed with you.

1 Get close to her. If you want to seduce a girl, the first thing you need to do is get to know her better. Don’t come on too strong or she would feel threatened or find you too easy to get, and may get bored of you.
Talk to her and get to know her better. Text her now and then, and be warm and friendly. Don’t hit on her just yet, but don’t behave like a doormat either.
2 Be likeable. This is a pretty important stage. And this is where you can actually tell if she is warming up to you or shrinking away from you. As you talk to her now and then, try to get to know more about her and the things she likes.
Text her or talk to her frequently, and try to bond over something both of you find interesting. If the things you say seem to be working its magic, she would start to enjoy your chats and your texts and keep in touch with you.
But if you come across as a bore, she may start to distance herself from you. She may avoid responding to your texts, or she may take hours to respond to you. And eventually, she may just get bored and avoid you completely. If you ever notice that she takes a while to get back to you, you really need to talk about something else to keep things interesting.
3 Get active at night. The best way to get naughty and intimate with a girl is by texting her late at night, or by calling her up when she is in bed. Start by texting late in the evening to begin with, and within a day or two, she may be comfortable enough to text you or speak with you late into the night even if she’s uncomfortable with the idea at first.

4 Live two lives. This is where you need to confuse her. Each time you speak with her at night or text her, be flirty and naughty. But when you meet her during the day, do not talk about the naughty texts at all, unless she talks about it which means she really likes the flirty texts.
Completely avoid talking about the texts when there are other friends around. But flirt with her when it’s just the both of you. By doing this, you’d make her convince herself that there’s already a secret passionate something brewing between the both of you, because no one else knows what is going on but the both of you. Who does not love a bit of fun, flirty secret drama in their life?
5 Do not let her know you like her. Many guys make this mistake here. They tell the girl they like her, or that they have feelings for her. Of course, you like her. She knows that already, does not she? You text her all the time, both of you flirt all the time, and she can definitely feel the chemistry.

6 Get into her comfort zone. When you get some alone time with her, sit closer to her and pretend like you did not notice how close you’re sitting. You have been flirting with her, now you need to get into her personal space to make her feel the sexual chemistry.
Touch her arms or her fingers while saying something, place your hands around her waist while sidestepping across her or walking past her, touch her while complimenting her, or hug her for just a second longer while saying goodbye.
7 Build the sexual tension. By now, she’d feel the sexual tingle each time you touch her accidentally or otherwise. This is where you need to make her crave your touch. Let your hand linger on her back or on her arms as you touch her. Go really close and whisper something in her ear. Speak softly and play with her fingers when no one’s around. Build the sexual attraction right, and she’d turn into putty in your hands!
8 Play games. If you have been flirting with her and feeling her up now and then while sitting next to each other, you have seduced her already and you are in a great place to even take her to bed.
But if you want to play it safe and take it slow, continue to text her late at night. Play a few naughty texting games this time around, and initiate them casually. Before you know it, you’d be seducing her while having fun and playing games with her at the same time.
9 The dirty conversation. You have been texting her, flirting with her and seducing her every single night. And if she is been playing along all this while, this is where you talk dirty and make the big move. Initiate a dirty conversation over the phone. Start simple, and ask her a question that seems innocent, but would definitely lead to something dirty. And before you know it, both of you would be having phone sex with each other!
10 Ask her out. Once you have had phone sex with her, you have seduced her already. Now all you need to do is make out with each other in person. Ask her out, or tell her you really want to meet her sometime. Make plans to meet up in your place or hers, and avoid going out on a date unless you are trying to woo her or make her fall in love with you. This is where you need to choose whether you’re looking for a friends-with-benefits relationship or a romance.
11 Make out with her! And when you finally do meet her and she knows why you want to meet her, do not jump on her right away just because both of you have had phone sex already.
You may just end up killing the mood, or she may tell you that she is not feeling the connection, which would take you nowhere. Play it slow, warm up to the act and make sure she is in the mood before you try to kiss her for the first time.
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